Main/Jail: 770-382-5050
Non -Emerg/Dispatch: 770-387-5195

Fax: 678-721-3206
Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1
Jail Quarantine Announcement
In response to some of the jail inmates coming back with positive Covid-19 tests we are quarantining the entire jail population effective today, October 14th. Even though these that have tested positive have been largely asymptomatic (not having bad symptoms like low oxygen levels etc.) we think it is prudent to quarantine to prevent the further spread.
You will still be able to do video visitation, phone calls, e-mails etc. with the folks in custody.
We have observed the mistruths that have been posted on social media the last couple of days, I can assure you that we are monitoring all the inmates in the facility and we are testing and following the state health departments guidelines and recommendations.
We provide medical care to the inmates that far exceeds what most of them receive while they are not in custody.
Please do not call and ask if your relative or loved one has tested positive, due to HIPPA regulations we cannot release this information to you. If the inmate tests positive they will be told the results of their test and they can share it with you if they wish.
Please do not believe everything you read on social media, some folks just like to spread rumors and panic when there is no need.
My jail staff and I took an oath, to protect and serve, this includes people who are incarcerated as well.
We take this oath very seriously and would never purposefully do anything to endanger the citizens of this county or their loved ones who might be in custody.
Your Sheriff, Clark Millsap
Captain Chris Cox (Ext. 6069)
Departmental Training Coordinator
Lieutenant Hollie McKamey (Ext. 6068)
Professional Standards & Training Officer
Beth Tidwell (Ext. 6771)
Administrative Assistant & Grant Writer/ Manager
The Training Division is responsible for the agency’s training each year. The Peace Officers Standards & Training Council requires 20 hours of training annually however Sheriff Millsap requires an additional 20 hours of training for each deputy. Monthly training is conducted to meet State requirements as well as providing specialized training and topics for our department. This division issues all duty weapons and is responsible for maintaining the Armory inventory. Firearm qualifying records, use of force records, and all training records for each employee are retained in this department.
This division is also responsible for booking/scheduling all activity conducted at the Range as well as Use of Force Judgmental Simulator training. (Contact Capt. Cox or Lt. McKamey)
Professional Standards: Departmental Policy is issued, reviewed, updated and implemented to meet State and Federal Laws through this department. (Contact Lt. McKamey)